Basic details1.What
do the letters BBC stand for? British
Broadcasting Corporation2. How
is the BBC funded? Funded
principally by an annual television
licence fee which is charged to all British
households, companies, and organisations using any type of equipment to receive
or record live television broadcasts.3.What
is the BBC's famous mission statement? To enrich people's lives with programmes and services
that inform, educate and entertain.4.What
is BBC1's programme remit? BBC Trust
does the BBC News at Six fit into BBC1's remit? They have different type of
race and follow the 3 rules which are inform, educate and entertain.Presenters1.Who
are the presenters of BBC News at Six? Fiona Bruce, Sophie Raworth, George Alagiah 2.What
are the presenters wearing? What does this communicate to the audience? They are
wearing formal clothes
might a TV News programme use a variety of presenters? This is done so they aren’t seen
raciest and they have to follow BBC Trust4.How
are other reporters or presenters used in the TV news programme? There are shown as being relaxed and
welcoming.5. Is
there a balance between male and female presenters? What about race/ethnicity?
What effect might these aspects have on an audience? Yes, there is a Asian man and a female which makes the show
less sexist and the they have to follow the Government law about. The audience
want to watch it.Opening sequenceAnalyse the
opening 2 minutes of the programme.1.What
is the very first shot? Zooming into the presenter
does the opening sequence use graphics or images to grab the attention of the
audience? The introduction with the world and it names
3. How
is music used in the opening sequence? starting whem the top story come on
4. How
are news stories introduced in the opening two minutes? Is there just one story
or are the audience told what will be coming up later? First they tell you the
story and start the main news
Studio mise-en-scene1.What aspects of the studio can be seen by the audience?
the presenters standing or behind desks? Why do you think this is? The Presenters are sitting behind
the desk because it is more formal than standing or sitting on
a sofa.3. Are
journalists or technology visible? What might these things suggest to the
audience? Technology is visible
throughout this could suggest to the audience that they have the most recent
does the studio use colour? The
studio sticks to a consistent red colour theme.How news stories are presented1:How does the news programme typically present
a story? They typically present the news stories
with voice overs on videos and images.2:What difference techniques does the programme
use to present the news? presenter to camera, reporter on location, interviews, and voice overs
on videos and images.4:What types of news does the TV News programme
typically cover? Give five examples (e.g. politics, international, sport etc.)World, Political, Health, Education and sport.5:Give two real examples of how news stories are
presented to keep the interest of the audience.The General Election, Interviews, Coverage with
voice overs.Nepalese Earthquakes, Filmed on location,
Interviews, Citizen Journalism.
Running orderWatch the first 15 minutes of the programme – as
recent as you can find.1:What is the top story? The earthquakes in Nepal.2:How long does the top story last for?Approx. 10 Minutes3:What are the other stories the programme does
or will cover? List them in the order they are presented in (the ‘running
order’). The Assaults by Australian Nurse General Election4:How long is each story shown for?5 Minutes Approx5:Why do you think each story was shown for the
time it was?It allowed for sufficient coverage.Audience1:What is the target audience for this BBC News
at Six? Research online – you should be able to find plenty of suggestions to
the target audience if not the official target audience of the programme.Over 35 Years old2:What are the viewing figures for BBC News at
Six? 9.6 million on average per week.3:Why might someone choose to watch this TV news
programme over others? They are a reliable source. It is also on
at a time when the audience are home from work.4:Is there an opportunity for the audience to
get involved in the programme or comment? They Can get involved on twitter.5:What audience pleasures (Uses and
Gratifications theory – Blumler and Katz) does the programme offer? It lets people know what is
going on around the world despite not being there.Institution1:What other news programmes and services does
the BBC offer in addition to the BBC News at Six? The BBC has several radio shows, entertainment, lifestyle, knowledge and
sport news.2:What role does OFCOM have in making sure TV
News is fair and accurate? OFCOM set regulations for most TV
and Radio Shows. Section 5 ensures that news, in whatever
form, is reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartially.
However, BBC News is NOT regulated by OFCOM,
it is regulated by BBC Trust which has similar rules.TV News and New/Digital Media1:Does the TV News programme have a dedicated
website? Yes, does the website offer viewers? The Website allows all viewers to
read all news stories in as much detail as possible. It shows the
most recent news, some that might be so recent it hasn't been
shown on TV yet. It also lets people read stories from
previous days.3:Does the TV News programme have a Twitter
feed? Yes4:How does the Twitter feed promote the
programme? They promote their programme
by re-tweeting/tweeting about interesting stories that'll interest
people who are not already viewing their TV
News Show. This could also be seen as an attempt to attract
a younger audience.5:Is there an opportunity for the audience to
get involved in the programme or submit news stories?
Studio mise-en-scene1.What aspects of the studio can be seen by the audience?
There are only some opportunities
for the audience to get involved
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