Thursday, 13 November 2014

Film pitch


When a innocent boy gets cursed and becomes a killing machine for the devil.

Innocent boy- Ray William- A normal boy who is 14 year old. He is a shy boy and has a mental illness that stop him from making friends.
Stepmother-Jenny William- A past witch that worked has a banker.
Father- Ben William - A old mid 30 drinker, that work as a Bin Man

The film will be in a town in Ealing.

Log line
 When a innocent boy found trapped in a cursed given by his stepmother, it could be the end of him. At night a killing machine and by day a normal kid going to a normal school with a normal family. What will he do.For now all he can do is read his grandfather diary how was a witch hunter.

Film pitch

1)When a innocent boy gets cursed by his stepmother and becomes  killing machine for the devil.
2)My film is a horror.
3)My film is a cross of the wall of being wallflower and the blair witch project.
4)My target audience is age 16 to 30. 60% male, 40% female
5)The film is base around a teenager, Ray William  , who is a 14 year old  boy, born in London.
6) A boy stepmother curses her stepson so she can be with the father and no one was getting in her way.

A horror film about an innocent boy gets cursed by his stepmother and becomes killing machine for the devil. A normal boy with a mental illness that stops him makes friends which world gets turn around. His father a helpless man that works as a Bin Man with no clue of anything.  A film crosses between the Blair witch project and the wall of being a wallflower. A film based on an award winning book 2 faces. The adventure to kill his mother and start a new life by himself. For now all he can do is read his grandfather diary who was a witch hunter and a mystery scar on this arm.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Film trailer and poster analysis The perks of being a wallflower


The star fans will like to watch movie which will increase profit. How they are looking at the camera suggest a happy and fun matter to attract the audience and show that they aren't stressed for anything.Also how there is a female and an males will attract both gender. 

Central image

The central image is the three best fiend hanging around. How Emma Watson is closer to Logan Lehman show that she want to be more then friends with him and just be friend with Ezra Miller.  

The back ground is a bright green bricks which has a synergy with the title'wallflower' which is a plant that grows on a wall. Also the star are standing beside it which could men that they are the wallflower. 


The title is written like it was written by a typewriter which suggest that Logan Lehman was writing a dairy. The dairy is about his going to high school and him trying to make friends in the real world.


The tagline " We are infinite " was one of the quote in the book. It mean that there friendship will never end. Also the world "we" include the reader which make them feel involved. 

Production blurb

The is written in in very little font so it does't distracted the audience and they don't forces on it and forces on the central image. 

The trailer open with Summit entertainment  a Loingate company. This shown to promote itself for more recognition. The first thing you hear is Non-diegetic music, it is a classic type of guitar and piano.The music starts with a slow pest, and then get more up beat and cheer full when there is more thing happen to him and when he is getting happier.Also there is diegetic to, when he is talking to himself when he was writing in his diary.

There is not that much of text on screen , there is one when it shows the names of the characters and what happen to him. At the near end it shows what the novel awards and what other movie the director did. The text is always in typewriter font so it feel like it is from his diary. 

The short clip only show the main ideas of the film so they can attract audience to buy tickets.How fast the clip are going show how fast this life is going and it could suggest that he feel that he is doing nothing with his life and thinks he could do something before it ends. The short clip and long clips can also show how excited he is at sometime and how depressed he feel at times.

The title of the film is written again at the end so it stick to the audience mind so they don't forget it.At the end it show social media  information you can find on social network so word in mouth can spread them.

Monday, 10 November 2014

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Your chosen movie
1) The Perks of Being a Wallflower
2) I chose this film because I have watched and I know the storyline of it. Also I through I could write a lot.

Institutional background
1)       Summit Entertainment
2)       Distributor: is Mr mudd , entertainment one 2012 UK theatrical .
No brand loyalty
1)       Drama | Romance  
2)       The movie is about an innocent boy that is trying to make friends in a new school. Also two freshman take him under the wings of two seniors who welcome him to the real world.
3)       No
4)       The film is made by Stephen Chomsky who also made the book that the film is made about.
It’s all a matter of timing
1)       3rd of October 2012
2)       4 June 2012
3)       When the movie was coming out there were trailer and poster to promote the movie. After the trailer came out the word of the mouth spread and reviews started to come out. Also more people found out about the book which increased profit.

It’s a social thing 
1) One of the best movie in 2012
 -I had the pleasure of seeing Perks of Being a Wallflower at Arc light Cinemas in LA yesterday and it was definitely worth the one hour drive.
-Saw this movie at TIFF and after watching the trailer was thinking I was going to enjoy this movie.
-Just saw the movie at the Pgh premiere and it was amazing. 
Risky business
1)       $13 million
2)       $228,359 
3)       3)Gross: $17,738,570
Stars in their eyes
1), Rent(2005) and Jericho (2006).
3) He was known for doing movie with thriller and action.

4) In the trailer it shows what other movie the director and actor has been part of in the past.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Media film NICS

Romantic Comedy 


The storyline is clearly a man that hates his life and thinks God is reasonably for it. This is Romantic Comedy  movie.


The characters are typical of a Hollywood Comedian - the main character is a normal American dude that work as a TV channel presenter. The wife is a  classic 'American' women. They live in a normal flat in New York.


There is plenty of iconography with him stressing about his life and how he could loss his job. As he get the power for the God he use it to improve his daily life and improve his relationship.


The location for the movie is in The U.S.A, New York. This location suggest that the movie is in a very develop. The characters live in a apartment and work in very high know places.




This is a Comedy movie about Minion that go on a adventure to find a new evil leader. 


Minions are yellow henchmen, who have existed since the beginning of beginning, evolving from a yellow single-cell organisms into beings who have only one purpose: to serve the most ambitious villains.


The iconography of this media is minion trying to find a new evil  leader. They struggle to find someone for millions of years when 3 minions go on a adventure and find New York. 


The setting for this movie is in when evolution was happening. Also the other part of the movie was in New York. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Shot analysis

The shots you need to analyse:

Shot 1

The medium shot angel allows to see the main character and in the background the less important co-actor.The medium shot allows enough background to establish the location as a sky police plane. This shot allows us to see the expression of the actor face so audience to interpret that they are ready to chase.

Shot 2

The long shot allows to see the car and the man head to toe. The long shot allows enough background to establish the location as a back ally. The shot show us the 2 men fighting. One trying to escape, and one is trying to catch him. This shot allow us to see the fighting scene with a lot of background.


The close up allow as to see the man face from head to shoulder. This allows the audience to see the expression of the man face so audience to interpret that he is ready to run away from the sky cop. It is also forces on him and there is every little background to see where he is.

Summer Project LR

WWW: Good effort posting the links to the stories along with your comments.
EBI: You needed to make a more detailed comment about why the editorial decisions were made.

LR: Can you attempt to stretch your comments about why things are in a certain order so that you consider the politics of certain news organisations? Post this as a comment.

Channel 4 news is know for being  under-representing white people because it is obsessed with ethnic minorities. A MP said that the show was mainly white people. 12% of its staff from an ethnic minority background. The show is mainly just show white to have a better audience of white people and have a better image with them so they are mainly forces on one culture.

This mean that they will start the news about white people because they think that what people want to see and put the international news last. 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Fruit bowl

I made it on Photoshop with a autumn theme. It was difficult becuase i was on a different layer every time I wanted to insert a image.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

LIAR: LYNX advert


The first main point is that the audience find out that it is LYNX advertisement that is shown in the middle of the screen.The slogan below the bottle "even angel will fall" will suggest to the audience that when it is spared on the deodorant will make people fall in love with you and how you smell. The body language show us that  he is looking up to show that angel will fall the moment you spare it on because  the bottle is on his hand.

The major institution behind the advert is LYNX,the company has a advantage because they have not much competition because they are the only ones that are forces on deodorant not like Adidas that have other product such as clothes, sport equipment and more.

This product is targeted to audience male age 14 to 30 (although female have one to) because in the image there is a male on the advert. it is mainly for teenager that are in school. This also show that you don't need to be rich to use it.

This representation on the advert is just a white male which suggest that is regarding the target audience. this is surprising because all type of teenager and men from different places around the world use the product. Also the male in the image bedroom is messy which show that you don't need to be a clean kind of person.this also show you don't  need to be rich to use the product.

Monday, 11 August 2014

GCSE Summer news research

1) Key information about programme :
  • Channel 4
  • Everyday at 7 pm 
  • Jon Snow
  • They won the best editor, digital writer, technical innovation and best use of social media awards 

  • It was launched in 2 November 1982
  • Channel 4 is a publicly owned corporation 
  • It is know for having global news that are true and up to day.

  • The target audience for channel 4 news is all gender, age 20 to 50 and for all earning and not earning people because the show is mainly show the latest news around the world and in the UK. This is also targeted to people that don't have time because have a app for people on the move to find up to date information and know what going on in the world. 

4) Monday:   Alice Gross,14 searching -bag found

Scotland: should they stay or should they go? 

The Oscar Pistorius trial 


Iran and the battle against IS

Inside the shards and rubble of Luhansk airport 

President Obama responds to murder of Steven Sotloff 


Trafficked girls kept in cages in Mumbai 

Iran begins to emerge from three decades of isolation 

Gordon Brown interview: Scots being offered 'home rule within UK' 

All the stories have to ordered to the most important to less important and most related to the UK to around the World. The editor have to chosen and used the news that they think is important and think what the people want the hear.

Friday, 4 July 2014

HSBC advert

My advert is about Manchester United and Manchester City that are fighting for the league to see who is the best. Someone home will be someone enemy and every one has a home club.
i could improve it by having my own slogan

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

TV news question

1) What were the five stories your group chose to broadcast?
1.Greenford news story: Greenford high receive 2 awards from specialist school and academie trust
2.National news story: Africa Battles To Stop Deadly Spread Of Ebola
3.Sports news story: Suarez will go to a different team from £70 million to £80 million  

4.Funny news story: Suarez biting Chiaillini 

2) For each story above, explain WHY you chose that particular story and not something else. Why would it interest a Greenford audience? 

1. Green ford news story: We chose this story because I chose this because it was a very big moment for our school
2.National news story: We chose this story because it was a big thing and it was a big issue that can kill people.
3.Sports news story: We chose this story because Suarez said he didn't  do it but he did.
4.Funny news story: We chose this story because it is not normal for a person to do.

3) I chosen my order because i decided the most important to the school to what is important to the world next.  I decided to finish the speech on a good and funny moment.

4) I knew the script was the right length because i time the speech before recording and got a average time that was not to long or to short.

5) I made it easy for for people to understand by using word normal people will understand and used different simple word instead of hard word.

6) I made sure that it was professional by making the writer sitting next to a computer and a desk. Also made the reader have good voice and  was sitting down comfortable so he was more relax.

7) I was the director so I wrote the script.

8) 4 out of 5

9) We could have finished finding the news quicker.

10) If i did this again i would have saved the script.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Textual analysis

The genre for this media text is animated TV advert. It is advertising sportswear for Nike and the World cup.

There is a range of audience for this advert. the advert is made by Nike and is advertising there brand and sportswear. The advert is mainly targeted to football fan that will be watching the World cup. The advert  is animated which will open the audience to younger people and inspire them to never up and risk everything.

This will be watched on a TV as it is a TV advert and also be watched on and digital device such as tablet, phone and computer.

The genre for this text is a music video by ED Sheeran, the song is the huge type of music that is called hip-pop.

This type of media is very popular and is open to a range of people from young kids to adults. This type of media is popular because  it is very catchy  and is able in all device. in the video instead   of a real human being ED is played by a puppet which make the video more fun and make you want to watch it. the puppet also attract more kid.

this music video  will  be watch mostly on TV and program like MTV and more. Also the video can be
watched on phone and table which has access to the internet.

The genre for this media text is a Youtubers video which is KSI . KSI is a comedian on Youtube and make video every week.

The target audience for the media text is young teenager to young adult aged 12-25 .this is open to the world so any one with a internet connection can watch it. Over 6 million people watch his video because all of his content is original so it is more interesting to watch.    

This will be watched on a  digital device such as tablet, phone and computer because much teenager have phone or something that can connect to the internet

Wednesday, 25 June 2014


1)      I chose Media because it was recommended to me. Also I like to use a lot of YouTube and watch TV.
2)      I am looking forward to making my music video because I looking forward to be creative with it.
3)      I will like to learn about Photoshop so I can create other thing in the future.
4)      I will like to a grade B.
5)      Suarez biting Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini.
6)      It is open to a range of people and open to the World.
7)      My phone and my laptop.
8)      My phone.
9)      Suarez biting Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini because it is not normal to bit people in a football game.
10)   Suarez biting Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini because it is not normal to bit people in a football game.